Featured: Modern Luxury Dallas - June 2021 Power Players

Pick up the June 2021 issue of Modern Luxury Dallas to catch The Nix Company featured in the Power Players section.


Article excerpt:

Jordan Nix knows the importance of adapting quickly.

She forecast the power of social media back in 2008 when Facebook launched its Pages featured. “I combined my love of social media and digital marketing with my passion for design and made a career out of it,” says Nix. “Social media has been around for a decades but in that time, social media marketing strategies have evolved tremendously. You must be willing to adapt.”

Nix began her career in marketing as a teen mom and single parent before founding The Nix Company three years ago. From that experience, I realized my strength, grit, and perseverance,” she says. 

Read the full article.

Written by Shane Benowitz
Photography by Thomas Garza Photography

jordan nix