Press: Bluffview Growler + Dallas Morning News


How pairing with a catering company saved Bluffview Growler and turned it into a restaurant

The North Dallas craft beer destination now offers upscale bar food.

By Kelly Dearmore

Since March of this year, bar and restaurant owners in Dallas have become quite familiar with a new glossary of business terms. Prior to the pandemic, terms such as “curbside,” “contactless” and “to-go only" didn’t really have prominent spots in a bar operator’s vocabulary.

The term “pivot” has also played a starring role. Many restaurants have taken to becoming commissaries or pseudo grocers, launching “side hustles," and selling meal kits, gallon jugs of margaritas and much more.

For its part, popular Dallas craft beer destination Bluffview Growler has navigated the “new normal” of the industry by pivoting in just the right way at just the right time.

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